I cannot believe how the months are just flying by. When we were kids time did not fly by this fast at all. Birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas (and of course all those school breaks that we never had like they do in these days). They just could not come fast enough and now today they come and go so quickly.
I was thinking of what I could post for today and my thoughts keep going to gratitude. My daughter Lindsey gave a talk on Sunday. It was about the "Attitude of Gratitude". Since this is the 1st of Dec. I want to TRY to post something everyday up until Christmas Day on Gratitude. Things that I am grateful for however great or small they are. Sometimes it is just the simple things in life that we don't even think about on a daily basis that we need to be grateful for, and what better time of year to do it during this holiday season. When we need to think and give to others and not ourselves.
So here it goes:
I was watching a show the other night that really has made me do some thinking about myself. As most my family and friends know my self esteem is not very high about myself. There are things that I am not happy with, (as many of us are)there are those flaws or imperfections that we don't like about ourselves. I am sure we can all name a few. But today I am thankful for my face. The pimples or wonderful ugly cold sores that I get. Or my short eyelashes. These are embarrasing things to have for me.
The other night I saw this show about a couple of men who had some imperfections on their faces. It was not JUST a pimple, or a cold sore on the lip. These men had tumors on their face that were quite large that they hung down past their chins. They only had one good eye that they could see out of. One of the men was so embarrased he spent all his time at home never leaving the house. The other held a job as a restaurant manager and did not let his imperfection interfere with who and what he truly was on the inside and out. He had a wife that sincerely loved him for who he was, and children who did the same.
These two men got to meet face to face with the same imperfections that they were both born with that gradually got worse as they got older. The man that was not able to go out of the house finally got to where he could get out of the house some just by visiting with this other man. The manager of the restaurant ended up having surgery and taking off some of the tumor but not all of it was able to be removed.
So things could be alot worse. I am grateful for the little imperfections that I may have. As tough as it is for me to say that, I could have it alot worse. So those little pimples, zits, cold sores, that we may get are just small in comparison to what others may have. I need to work on being happy with who and I am over this coming next year. After all no one is made perfect!!