Sunday, December 5, 2010

A small blessing!

The past couple days has been alittle downer for me.  My son left on Saturday from Houston to go to Iraq where he will be for the next year working as a mechanic.  The goodbye was
 very hard and not even knowing when I would hear from him was even harder.  He has no more cell phone and has no internet until he gets settled enough to get it where he will be.

What in the world did we ever do without cell phones, internet?   Until you have to go without it or not have contact with someone it makes you realize how spoiled we really are these days.  Jeremy is really going to learn alot in the time that he is there, and how really lucky we are with the lives that we live and what we have here in the US. 

Knowing that today he was to arrive in Dubai and knowing that his flight made it was all we had to go on.  Now just to sit and wait till he gets to Iraq to hopefully hear from him soon. 

But guess what just happened.....

Just about to get off the internet a bit ago and go to bed he happened to be on facebook and sent me a message saying that he made it and was safely there.  Oh how I am sooo grateful for the internet right now and facebook, for the technology we have these days.  His roomate that he has right now let him use his internet.  We were able to chat just for a minute, not long enough, but that was enough just to know he was okay.  Hopefully it won't be long till he gets settled and gets what he needs to have to communicate with us.

These are the kind of things that really make you really grateful for what we have.  You just don't realize it until you have to go without it. 

I am gratful for what I have and very grateful for this little blessing that I just got tonight!


  1. There is much to be grateful for each day even when we can't seem to see it. I hope this will be learning experience for your son. I hope he will really come to the realization of how grateful he should be for you as his mother. That his actions towards you will mirror this new found appreciation for you. You are a great friend to me. I am grateful for that.

  2. Oh sweetie, God is so good!!! Just when you need to hear about Jeremy, God allowed a way for you to. I know your heart just about burst open with joy. I so feel that this is the beginning of a brand new life for Jeremy and when he comes back home after his tour, he will have a brand new appreciation of how truly blessed he is. And one of those blessings is a Mother like you. His life will be so much better with this experience. he will learn so much and have a wonderful start to the rest of his life. Love you.
